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Returns & Refund Policy

  • If you have received a wrong/damaged product, we can replace this with the exact same item. Goods can only be exchanged if it is returned unused and intact, or by providing proof of damage/ defect.
  • Please email us within 24 hours of delivery if you want to apply for an exchange, with relevant proof (photo or documentation) as seen necessary. We will have our customer care and they will contact you as soon as possible. ( )
  • We will email you detailed instructions on how to exchange your product once you receive our exchange confirmation.
  • Please mention your order number in the mail that you send to us.
  • The refund will be processed within 10 business days from the date of cancellation of the product.
  • In case of receipt of damaged or defective items please report the same to our Customer Service team. The request will, however, be entertained once the merchant has checked and determined the same at his own end. This should be reported within 7 Days of receipt of the products. In case you feel that the product received is not as shown on the site or as per your expectations, you must bring it to the notice of our customer service within 7 Days days of receiving the product. The Customer Service Team after looking into your complaint will take an appropriate decision.
  • In case of complaints regarding products that come with a warranty from manufacturers, please refer the issue to them. In case of any Refunds approved by the Leaf Root Herbals, it’ll take 14 days for the refund to be processed to the end customer after receipt of the product in our warehouse.
  • Courier Charges will Deducted from Refund Amount.
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